Haitian Hypocrisy-The Hidden Story

Haitian Hypocrisy-The Hidden Story
Cape Breton Post: January 30, 2010
Morgan Duchesney

While I agree with Peter Worthington regarding the risks of eroding the Canadian military, I think his comments on Haiti lack depth and historical context.
In 1991 The Chretien Liberals assisted the Clinton administration in ousting democratically-elected Haitian President Jean Bertrand Aristide. This immensely popular leader was well on his way to implementing policy changes more favorable to working Haitians than absentee U.S. sweatshop owners. He was snatched up and whisked out of the country for, “…his own protection.” Actually, he was in terrible danger, not from poor Haitians but from CIA-supported gunmen. I must ask: we giving aid to Haiti or should we consider our disaster assistance a debt long overdue? Without our interference, the Haitians may well have created their own modest prosperity independent of Canada, the U.S. and Europe. Now we will never know.